

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Another summer week

So hot today they took their gis off
Country drive. They did well, it was fun

The Lion King was great
Weather cooled off, evening bike ride
Rock'n that hat

Target has the red and blue

Nata waiting for her ride to the YW service project at the store house.
and Wil and I made salsa, it came out perfect. Dan tried to take a picture for us. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

This last week

I don’t know how to get the pictures in order. This is the Durham museum, the work up stairs and a walk in Fontenelle Forest on Sunday. The museum had a soda fountain, we did that first. Daniel’s black cow float was so good, he shared with me. I made him!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


I thought it would be fun to put some pictures I have on my phone of us. I don’t have a ton from the earlier years, but I hope you enjoy the pictures. Happy anniversary.