

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Tillmans ear injury

We are still recovering from our night in the ER. Left the house just before 6pm, got home just after 2am. He collided with Wil on a gym floor after karate practice and his ear was oozing blood and mucus. He was in terrible pain and became sleepy and lethargic. He had a cat scan, and half way through the night he perked up, as you can see in the selfies. We are glad he is ok and have a follow up with the ENT Monday. 

look at his gross long tung! geeze!Things get crazy after mid night!

playing this morning after some needed rest. he seems happy and is not in pain as long as you don't touch it.

cleaned him up a bit. its full of thick stuff. The ENT will clean it out and see how bad the burst eardrum is on Monday.

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